Interface to process the salary for a period.This inteface is a wizard which allows the administrator to process the salary for the curent period.
The wizard has the following information:
Pay Date | Date of salary payment |
*Period Name | Salary Period Name, is displayed as specified in Salary Period |
*Begin Date | Salary Period Begin Date, is displayed as specified in Salary Period |
*End Date | Salary Period End Date, is displayed as specified in Salary Period |
* Read only fields- Cannot be edited or altered.
Administrator can select the Branch, Departments from the branches and the Employees from the selected Departments whose salary is to be processed as shown below.
Selecting Branches:
Selecting Departments:
Selecting Employees:
Warning Grid: Lists the employees who do not have a Salary Card.
Selected Employee Grid: Lists the employees whose salary will be processed.
Processing Message Grid: Displays the messages that arise during processing.
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